Power Project Services

Project Development – Engineering
Kelvin Power can provide detailed engineering consultancy services to assist with Project Development. Some examples of recent work include preparing a detailed site selection matrix for 6 substation sites and cable crossing design work required for crossing third party assets on a cable route. Our clients welcome the engagement of engineering services at the pre consenting stage as it ensures that the construction and design issues are identified early on in the project lifetime, rather than during construction. We are aware of the DCsO process and understand the prescriptive nature of the application process and the important of specifying every work activity and location.
Our experienced project engineers can also assist with producing tender documentation for aspects of the civil procurement process including contractor selection.
Project Development – Legal Project Management
In addition to the engineering support Kelvin Power are also able to project manage the agreement, negotiation and delivery of all the required legal agreements for energy projects. These include land acquisition, land options, leases and asset crossing agreements (both offshore and onshore). In this regard we have established very good relations with local land agents, landowners and asset owners such as oil and gas companies.
Our specialism is in offshore wind farm projects, where we have also made good links with OFTO organisations. We are aware of the specific requirements that an OFTO will have in relation to legal agreements and engineering matters and can assist with due diligence both on the Seller side or the Buyer side.
We also have experience of working within complex development Joint Ventures and understand the reporting procedures and corporate governance requirements of such JVs. In addition to this we have experience of corporate disposals of whole or parts of projects and the extensive due diligence process that is required.
Recent experience with offshore wind farm projects means that Kelvin Power has experience of managing the development of large scale nationally significant infrastructure projects.
Project Development – Consent Support
We can allocate dedicated resources to manage the discharge of all planning conditions required for an energy project. Recent experience has included assuming this role for the onshore element of a number of offshore wind farm projects. The ability to rely on CAD and engineering support within Kelvin Power means that all necessary schemes can be developed and drawings prepared promptly and supplied to the planning authority. We are aware of the necessity to discharge planning conditions as soon as possible, especially those that are a precondition to starting development.
Project Management
Kelvin Power offer a wide range of management services including, planning applications, consent management, cost control, on-site quality control and the management and procurement of the installation and construction for all or part of a substation project. An example of how we used our expertise in assisting a client gain planning approval can be seen by clicking on the attached link showing a 3D Walkthrough model of a proposed substation.